The Couples Weekend
Registration is open for the
February 2023 Couples Weekend
Details and link below...
Get ready for a weekend you won't forget
Come expecting a complete transformation of your relationship. There is no shortage of threats to long-term intimacy. Whether you just finished your honeymoon, starting to feel the magic fade, or you are in full-blown crisis- now is the time to anchor into something deeper.
This weekend isn’t about teaching you new truths! Instead it’s about providing a safe space for you to step away from the mental noise so you can be guided through an experience to get out of your head and CONNECT heart to heart.
What to Expect
- Learn skills and tools to grow and master deep heart connections.
Experiment with new and intimate ways to communicate your deepest needs and desires to your partner.
- Experience real passion that will last outside the weekend experience.
Discover new ways to channel conflict and pain toward more intimacy and lasting changes
Women discover your inherent feminine flow, learn how to experience the goodness and pleasure of daily life, and sexuality.
Men unlock and exercise your deep masculine strength – practice how to use it as a gift to your spouse and the world around you. Begin to discover how to access and live out your truest self.
Receive practical tools and daily practices you can bring home with you.
Leave a stronger, more authentic couple than when you arrived.
What Not to Expect
- Just another “Couple’s Retreat”. You are not going to find robe-wearing gurus or the common programming found in your typical church couple’s retreat seminar. This is another way for real people with real problems to find real lasting solutions.
- You will not be singled out. All sessions and exercises will be done as a group. There will be opportunities for us to share and ask questions.
- This is not a lecture conference. Although there will be some discussion sessions, this will be an opportunity to exercise the practice of love.
- You will not fit this into your schedule. You will only fully receive what this weekend has to offer you if you and your spouse completely unplug from your day to day responsibilities. (We HIGHLY recommend spending the entire weekend away from any children, pets, home, and job commitments.)